FAQs about a Dental Implant Procedure

The professional staff at Atlantic Dentistry offer today's strongest, most realistic tooth replacement--the dental implant. A bonafide artificial dental implantstooth, a dental implant provides lifelike biting, chewing, and smile aesthetics. At Atlantic Dentistry in Kitty Hawk and Manteo, NC, Dr. Markus Heyder, Dr. Gunther Heyder, and Dr. Ashley Parham deliver comprehensive implant services from evaluation and placement to maintenance. Read their answers to frequently asked questions about the dental implant procedure.

FAQs about the dental implant procedure in Kitty Hawk and Manteo

1. What does a dental implant look like?

A dental implant has three parts: a titanium screw which resides in the jawbone, a metal alloy post, and a lifelike porcelain crown. Only the crown shows when you smile.

2. How do I qualify for an implant?

Many patients can receive dental implants. Your dentist will examine your gums and jaw to ensure you have sufficient bone density to accept the implant device. A CT scan gives the doctor a good picture of your bone structure. Also, he or she will review your medical history to ensure you are in good overall health.

3. Do I need an oral surgeon?

No, you don't. Your dentist performs all the steps in the dental implant procedure.

4. Is the procedure long?

The actual treatment involves two phases. During the first, your dentist opens the gums and inserts the implant into your jaw. Then, you go home to heal. This takes many weeks as the bone and the titanium implant fuse together through a process called osseointegration. After full integration, the doctor re-opens the site and attaches the post and crown. In total, dental implant placement takes several months.

5. Will the treatment hurt?

Most patients need locally injected anesthetic (a pain shot). Some elect nitrous oxide to feel completely relaxed. Afterwards, ibuprofen or acetaminophen helps with any discomfort, but truly, getting an implant is no more difficult than receiving a filling.

6. Will my body reject the implant?

Titanium is highly biocompatible and endures the substantial forces exerted by biting and chewing, says the National Institutes of Health. So, no, you will not reject the implant or develop an allergy to it. However, implants can fail if not cared for properly. That means twice yearly check-ups and cleanings at Atlantic Dentistry and twice a day brushing and flossing at home. If you smoke, quitting is a great idea.

7. Are there implant treatments for multiple missing teeth?

Yes, at Atlantic Dentistry, patients may receive dental implants to support full or partial dentures. These prosthetics fully restore smile appearance and oral function.

More questions?

Why not book a cosmetic dentistry consultation at Atlantic Dentistry? Your dentist will answer all your questions about dental implants. They really are amazing tooth replacements. For the Kitty Hawk office, call (252) 261-7700, and in Manteo, phone (252) 475-9841.

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